The Frog, The Bee, and The Leprechaun Part IV
Posted by Martha · Mar 27, 2013
"All you have to do is. . . . WHAT?" implored the leprechaun, Seamus O'Sheehan.
"BELIEVE!" answered Bumbles the Bee.
"All you have to do, Seamus, is believe," echoed Stafford the Tiny Tree Frog.
"Believe?" questioned the leprechaun doubtfully. "Just believe?"
"With all your heart and soul!" answered the frog.
Seamus wiped his tears away, blew his nose rather loudly, scrunched his eyes tight and repeated over and over, "I believe. I believe. I believe."
The leprechaun inhaled, exhaled, quivered all over, and up he went.
He didn't go too high, but he did go UP. Not doubt about it. Seamus breathed in and out again, crouched down this time, and sprang. His effort took him much higher this time.
"Well, I'll be a four leaf clover! I did it! I did it! I can jump again!"
"Now don't overexert yourself, Seamus," cautioned Bumbles. "You have a big time ahead of you. St. Paddy's Day awaits."
Seamus was ecstatic. "This calls for a song and a jig. 'Oh, ye'll take the low road, and I'll take the high road. And, I'll get to Ireland afore ye. '"
Stafford whispered to the bee. "I don't think those are the right words."
"Never mind, my froggy friend. Let him be." (la fin from The Woodlands - Caelumen)