The Butterfly that Almost Wasn't Part III
Posted by Martha; passion and clematis flowers photographed by Martha Young Mcquilkin from her Patio '13 · Jun 18, 2013
Indeed, Bella had overheard both Desdemona and Elspeth from inside her cozy home, and was having an argument with herself.
"I do not want to leave my cocoon! Do not, do not, do not! I am perfectly happy and snug in here!"
She shook her tiny fists, stamped her wee feet, so upset was she.
Bella had been a happy little caterpillar. She remembered waking up one day underneath lush green ferns. The warm air was scented by the spring sun. Overhead were two beautiful winged creatures who led her to her first snapdragon vine where she began feeding. They told her they were butterflies. Bella watched them settle on one passion flower after another. They asked her to call them Mistress and Master Buckeye and came to her daily. She loved them and life.
But, one summer morning when she waited for the two, they didn't come. She called and called inching her way thither and yon until shadows grew long. Her searching was to no avail - they had vanished.
The caterpillar couldn't muster the energy to either find another host vine or to chew. She just sat alone beneath the clematis blooms with sadness all around her.
(to be continued from Atlanta, Georgia, USA on Miss Martha's Patio - Earth)