"Now, now, Staffie, please calm down. Everything will be alright," Basil stated to his inconsolable cousin.

"But, how? Basil, how will we put the coat to rights? It needs expert sewing hands," sniffled Stafford.

"I love visiting Wendell and Jacob on The Hillside," continued the dejected tree frog. "I can hear sewing machines whirring away before I even reach their hazelnut home. The organized workroom is filled with every sort of fabric, thread, and finished garment - pantaloons, coats, shirts, vests. And, every piece is perfect. They're always happy sewing and make it look ever so easy. But, I can see that it isn't at all easy, not at all, not at all!"

Tears streamed down Staffie's puffy face. He hiccuped. His lower lip trembled.

Knock, knock, knocketty knock.

"Is anybody home?" a cheerful voice called out while rapping smartly on the door. Basil hopped quickly to greet the Hillside Whimbles.

"Hello, there, Basil. Whatever is the matter with Stafford?" Jacob exclaimed.

Staffie's jumping issue was back. He was thump thump splatting all over the room. The noise was deafening. (to be continued from The Woodlands - Caelumen)