Planter Spike - Sasha the Orchid Whimble

Planter Spike - Sasha the Orchid WhimblePlanter Spike - Sasha the Orchid WhimblePlanter Spike - Sasha the Orchid WhimblePlanter Spike - Sasha the Orchid Whimble

Sasha, the first born, is slighter larger than her brother. She is a very responsible Whimble, unlike her unpredictable twin, Rudi. He tends to be mischievous, and although it does no good whatsoever, his sister boxes his ears until they lie flat against his head while hers remain perked up.

They both delight in tending to the terrestrial lady slipper orchids and mushrooms as well as the many anemones and violets that grow about their home built into one of the many hillocks dotting the colony.

The Planter Spike pleases Sasha very much for it secures her firmly in any container where he can decide what plant to talk to or what game to play with his sister and Elspeth.

Planter installation: figure - aprrox. 2" w x 4" h; spike - approx. 4" l; for installation in interior planters or protected exterior ones

If not in stock, may take four or six weeks to fulfill.

Planter Spike: Sasha the Orchid Whimble
