Anciennan: Thallo the Whispering Forest Cat
Thallo the Anciennan is a denizen of Caelumen's northwestern Whispering Forest. He, like all Anciennans, is honored for not only his wisdom but also for his storytelling.
Each year as the days shorten, Thallo travels from his Anciennan home east over the land's Spine onto The Hillside of Lumenesia.
When the moon, Vesperata, is at her fullest in the winter sky, Thallo walks outside with Whimbles and their Companions to honor her brilliance. Later that evening they all enjoy a Magical Light Feast, their "Longest Night Celebration." The anticipation around the table is electric. Minutes after the meal, all gather around the sitting room fireplace to listen once more to the annual retelling of everyone's favorite story, "The Legend of the Land of Caelumen."
Russian Majolica Ceramic - Tabletop; 5 1/2" w x 6 1/2" h with beaded beret
Anciennan; Thallo the Whispering Forest Cat