Rider and Dragon: Winter Solstice Pillow Whimble Rider and Elfin Dragon

Rider and Dragon: Winter Solstice Pillow Whimble Rider and Elfin DragonRider and Dragon: Winter Solstice Pillow Whimble Rider and Elfin DragonRider and Dragon: Winter Solstice Pillow Whimble Rider and Elfin DragonRider and Dragon: Winter Solstice Pillow Whimble Rider and Elfin Dragon

On cold clear star-filled nights when the Caelumen moon, Vesperata, grows to her fullest, Elfin Dragon, Elvira, and Pillow Whimble Rider, Duncan, fly higher and higher toward the bedazzled canopy above them. Both love to celebrate the Magical Light of the Winter Solstice. Oh, how breathless they are when they return home, eyes glittering from all the beauty they have seen.

Tabletop; fabric, ceramic & embellishments; 5" w x 6" l x 5" h

(Solstice Rider and Dragon Collection - Dimensional Signature Work by Martha Young McQuilkin)

This unique Signature artwork may be ordered throughout the year; delivery time varies from 6 to 8 weeks. As each piece comes into "being," rider and dragon will be given a special name that is fitting.

No two riders nor elfin dragons are alike.

Winter Solstice Rider and Dragon
