Harmonium the Ram of the Winds and Master of Enchantment

Also known as The Master of Enchantment, Harmonium, an Anciennan ram, lives high in The Mountains of the Wind. A well-worn pathway leads up the mountain above the tree line to his cave, a shelter he chose long ago. An intricately carved round door, hinged to mountain rock, protects his home from the cold harsh winds. Lighted passageways lead from one room to another where fireplaces and candles burn brightly throughout the long dark winters.
One room contains treasures collected by the ram’s two Anciennan neighbors, Verbena the Forager and Wollip the Seed Gatherer. Harmonium is sometimes asked by King Thaddeus for an enchantment. The Anciennan creates his magic from the wonderful surprises foraged by his two Anciennan friends as well as dried flowers and herbs from his own summer garden. It is understood by all that his enchantments serve the king who wants nothing but goodness throughout his land.
Each summer, his terraced garden is his delight. During the short growing season, Harmonium tends his vegetable and herb beds. However, his greatest pleasure is the flower garden. Rugged rugosa roses line the paths going from his home. They shelter the gardens from any inclement wind. Within their confines, the ram grows mountain avens, lupine, anemone, monk’s hood, gentians, dianthus, and poppies. Each spring and summer morning finds him praising the newest blooms.
From his high vantage point, Harmonium sees the first corridor that divides one mountain from the next. The deep fissure running through the lower corridor basalt wall is the hidden entrance to The Crystal Cavern. It has been the Anciennan ram’s calling to watch this entrance. Ever vigilant, he knows the comings and goings of every Anciennan or Lumenesian who enters the narrow fissure. Harmonium is The Guardian of The Crystal Cavern.