Twinkle the Truffler

An intelligent Anciennan, Twinkle loves life very much. Jovial and charming, he celebrates the uniqueness of everyone. He dresses outrageously – scraps of lace mixed with acorn tops and a shell woven in somewhere. Whenever possible this pig creates wonderfully happy annual events for all to enjoy.
His favorite enterprise is “truffling. ” The Woodland oaks host summer truffles, and late each spring they begin to mature. With help from The Tunnelers and Woodland Whimbles, Twinkle harvests the crop for all to enjoy. In autumn, when hazelnuts begin to fall on The Hillside, Twinkle journeys across The Spine a second time. This time he locates the fine black truffle at the foot of the ancient hazelnut trees. After the fall crop is in and celebrating is over, this avuncular Anciennan is ready to return home to Moss Valley. He has found that he likes his solitude and familiar surroundings more and more with the passing years.