Filing Cabinets Made Beautiful

"What a fine job, Master Manning!" declared Stafford the Tiny Tree Frog." You not only have the ability to organize a project but to make the results beautiful as well." 

"Thank you so very much, Staffie. You know I love projects like this one. However, I'm ever so happy when I've completed them."

"I know what you mean, Master Manning," continued his Companion. "It's such a feeling of satisfaction, but at times I didn't think we'd ever finish this one.. Those labels kept sticking to my pads."

"Then, you disappeared into a file, and it took some searching to find you in the right folder."

"Sure did. I thought I might just get smuched before you pulled me out," Stafford emphasized. "But, you know why I like you so much, Master Manning?"

"I'm not certain I do, Staffie."

"It's high time you did Master M! It's because you are willing to do any project. You just ruffle up your feathers  and get to work."

"But, not without my best helper."

"I guess then, Master Manning, we're good friends and partners, no?"

"Why, yes, Stafford, I believe we are."

"That understood, let's invite the others to view our completed 'filing cabinets made beautiful.'" (la fin from Midtown Atlanta, Georgia, USA - Earth)