A Peek at The Whimble Patios Part I
Posted by Sasha the Orchid Whimble Twin; Patio photographed by Martha Young McQuilkin '12 · Jul 25, 2012
We walk out to the larger Patio either through the dining-room or the Master Bedroom. Designing this limited space to include all these containers was a challenge. Manning the Woodland Whimble directed us well. He has a very very good sense of proportion. When we had every plant and the teak deck chairs all arranged, the fountain was placed. We Whimbles love the peaceful sound of the water. It reminds us of our many streams that run throughout Caelumen and is quieting when there is too much city noise.
Caelumen is a lush land. We have numerous varieties of plants in each of our Lumenesian Colonies. We wanted to create as complex a container garden on our patios as we might find near our homes. We had helped Miss Martha last August when she transplanted as much as she could from her former garden. Oh my, what a job! We finally finished and when we arrived here last fall our window boxes were already packed with perennial plants and a tiny shrub or two. Let's see if I can remember some names: asters, lemon balm, magenta sage, cigar plant, sweet pea, fern, hosta, epimedium, a topiary white rose and even a meyer lemon tree. With so many I
really need labels for each and every one.
The weather is very warm now, and we must water every morning. We love the way the plants look when we have finished. They sparkle. The birds who come to the feeder also like their birdbath changed daily. We oblige them of course. Miss Martha and Master Jock often have morning coffee and a light breakfast on this patio. They find it serene and delight in watching the hummingbird come to the nasturtium and other blooming plants. So does Pasha. He is a gentle cat, though, and almost never stalks them. (to be continued from The Whimble Patios, Midtown Atlanta, Georgia, USA - Earth)