The Artist's Archival Gallery
The Whimbles proudly present a retrospective of signature work created by Martha over the years. Most of these pieces reside in private collections. If you are interested in commissioning original work, or simply wish to learn more about an individual creation, please inquire.
1989-1995: Dimensional Work - Phoebe the Pig from The Animal Court of Enchantment Collection - Private Collection
Phoebe the Pig loves luxury. She loves her beautiful pink attire and does not like mud at all. She will take any pig to the secret places where…
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1989-1995: Dimensional Work - Rex the Rabbit from The Animal Court of Enchantment Collection - Private Collection
Rex the Rabbit would be at any well appointed dinner table with lavish floral arrangements to justify his presence. The most scintillating of guests…
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1989-1995: Dimensional Work - Sinclair the Unicorn from The Animal Court of Enchantment Collection - Private Collection
Sinclair loves his three wheeler very much. It suits his playful personality. His favorite ride is biking from one area of the garden to the other…
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1995-2007: Dimensional Work - Her Way Home, Dream Quilt Collection # 1 - Artist's Collection
The girl left at dawn. She edged through the screen door, stepped on the moist long grass, ran. Reaching…
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1998: Dimensional and Flat Work - Harmonium the Ram of the Winds - Artist's Collection
These pieces represent the process of elaboration, a format that I employ not only in my own work but also in the teaching of art. I fabricated…
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1998: Dimensional and Flat Work - Pax the Savannah Lion from The Anciennan Collection - Artist's Collection
These pieces represent the process of elaboration, a format that I employ not only in my own work but also in the teaching of art. I fabricated…
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