2007: Dimensional Work - Maurice-Twinkle from The Truffler Collection - Private Collection

2007: Dimensional Work - Maurice-Twinkle from The Truffler Collection - Private Collection2007: Dimensional Work - Maurice-Twinkle from The Truffler Collection - Private Collection2007: Dimensional Work - Maurice-Twinkle from The Truffler Collection - Private Collection2007: Dimensional Work - Maurice-Twinkle from The Truffler Collection - Private Collection

Maurice is on top of his world when a celebration is at hand. Two of his favorite: Mardi Gras and Valentine's Day. There's a paradox though: crowds are scary for the little guy. So he uses his mask as his most perfect solution. It adds to his allure, but he remains anonymous. Also, since he sits in a very high chair, he feels less vulnerable.  

Dimensional Signature Work - Tabletop Installation: Pig: approx. 8" w x 11" h; Ceramic chair: approx. 9" sq. x 18" h;  Armature: wire, & cotton stretch sock fabric;  Media: applied ivory stretch velvet velour, ribbon, silk, satin; gouache, gesso; Embellishments: antique beads, buttons, ribbon

2007: Dimensional Work - Maurice-Twinkle from The Truffler Collection - Private Collection